December Presidency Message

As we come unto Christ, we can feel and “know of a surety”—not with our hands and eyes but with all our heart and mind—that Jesus is the Christ.   One way to come unto Christ is by seeking to learn essential truths with our hearts. As we do so, impressions that come from God […]

Ward supper cont…

The ward Supper was a hit. There was so much tasty food! My personal favorite was the cheesy potato concoction in the crock pot. If anyone wants to own up to making it and share the recipe, I for one will sure be happy! Then our after dinner entertainment was some singing provided by Ray […]

Ward Supper!

The ward supper is coming up folks! Tomorrow (saturday) night! If you volunteered to bring something, but don’t remember what here is the list of what to bring! P= potato casserole B= butternut squash casserole Pie= pie R= rolls C= cranberry sauce Allison R= C/R Katie A. = pie Mairebelle Acosta= pie Monta S= P […]